Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Salmon Burgers with Yogurt Cucumber Sauce and Tomato

Lately I’ve been craving a juicy burger.  Since it is bathing suit season, I try to think of a low-fat alternatives that would still give me the satisfaction of biting into a moist burger with all the toppings.    A salmon burger with yogurt cucumber sauce and tomato on a bun is exactly what fits the bill.  What I love about this recipe is that the salmon is not overpowered by the ingredients or the toppings.  On my list of things to do is making a batch of these burgers and freezing them individually to take on vacation.

Salmon Burgers

1 lb. Salmon steak, skinned, cut into chunks, and checked for bones
¼ cup Panko breadcrumbs
2 tbs. of finely chopped red onion
1 tbs. fresh chives – finely chopped
1 tbs. fresh parsley – chopped
1 tsp. lemon zest
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1 small clove of garlic, minced

Yogurt Cucumber Sauce
¼ cup Greek Yogurt – No Fat
1 tbs. fresh chives – finely chopped
1 tsp. lemon Juice
¼ cup cucumber, finely diced

1 tsp. red onion - finely chopped
¼ tsp. of mustard

In a food processor add salmon chunks, panko, red onion, chives, parsley, zest, garlic, lemon juice, S&P.  Process in 3-4 short spurts until just mixed.  Form into 3 patties.  Sprayed a non-stick skillet with oil, over medium heat cook burgers 4 minutes, flip and lower to low heat and cook 4 minutes or until cooked through. 

For sauce, mix all ingredients together in a bowl and stir to combine.   Toast your buns, add burger, sauce and tomato.  Serves 3.  

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